VILLAGE OF ARLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 11, 2023, 6:30p.m. The Arlington Planning Commission met in regular session at the Arlington Village Hall at 245 N 2nd Street, Arlington, …


VILLAGE OF ARLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 11, 2023, 6:30p.m. The Arlington Planning Commission met in regular session at the Arlington Village Hall at 245 N 2nd Street, Arlington, NE. Micheal Dwyer called the meeting to order at 6:34p.m. Mr. Dwyer stated the official notice of the open meeting was published in the Arlington Citizen, Village Hall, RVR Bank, and the Arlington Post Office. Mr. Dwyer stated, The Open Meetings Act is posted on the wall by the entrance to the Conference Room. Roll call was taken as follows: Charlie Reed, Present; Micheal Dwyer, Present; Mike Dinkins, Present; Dean Wherley, Present; Steve Slykhuis, Absent. Motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the April 11th, 2023, meeting. Roll call vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously. Request from Mark Vogt to re-plot the lot line at 243 N 3rd Street and 241 N 3rd Street. Motion was made, seconded, and carried to recommend the approval of this request. Request by Lawrence and Tamar Reed for possible rezoning of AV Lots 9-12, Block 13 from R-2 Residential to C-2, Highway Commercial. Micheal Dwyer made a motion and Dean Wherley seconded not to recommend the re-zoning to the Village Board. Motion carried 4-0. Micheal Dwyer made a motion for adjournment. Reed seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:15p.m. ZNEZ AC 07-28-23